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Summer Holiday Workshops 2020

kids art classes kids drawing kids painting kids printmaking kids sculpture summer holiday Jan 25, 2020

Happy 2020
Already children have enjoyed time at the beach or the spectacular outdoor areas around Sydney.
We create workshops that may reflect their experiences such as "Summer at the beach" the student create a mixed media collage of their experience at the beach.
Some students enjoyed staying in Sydney during the holidays and we provided a workshop, painting Sydney harbour in watercolours.

Our local Manly beach has famous ice cream parlours and bakeries that the students loved to visit for a treat during the summer, we developed a workshop for our youngest students to paint their favourite icecreams or their favourite cupcakes.

This year we provided our first kindergarten half-day creative workshop inspired by Kandinsky. This was a very popular workshop and we will be running this again next year.

Abstract painting was facilitated by Basia Zielinska, our older students are always challenged by this full-day workshop with fabulous unique paintings to take home. The older students also painted Watermelon a summer favourite to eat and paint.

We also offered a fantastic introduction to printmaking for our younger students offering a bright versatile experience of painting onto glass panels and printing monotype prints that were then framed and ready to take home to be hung on their wall.

We always finish with our most popular sculpture workshops this year our younger students sculpted Sulpher- crested Cockatoos and the older students sculptures of our native Australian Electus parrots looked amazing and would take pride position, displayed at their home.

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